
Journal Citations Associated with EDI Data Packages

May 19, 2020

Susanne Grossman-Clarke


The EDI technical team recently modified the view of user contributed journal citations associated with a specific version of a data package so that the citation is now displayed on all versions of the data package, not just the version for which the citation is relevant. This enhancement allows users who browse the data package metadata landing page to see all citations related to data package series regardless of what version of the data package they are viewing. User contributed journal citations provide an easy way for the author of a data paper (or others) to increase the impact factor of the data package by directly linking the published manuscript to the supporting data package found in the EDI data repository. In fact, older manuscripts that utilize an EDI data package may be added to the list of journal citations even if the data package DOI was not available at the time of publication. We are currently exploring options for updating the DataCite DOI metadata of the data package with these citations so that downstream services may take advantage of this crowd-sourced information.

For an example, check out the “Journal Citations” for this data package on the EDI repository landing page:

Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems LTER and V. Lougheed. 2020. Carbon flux from aquatic ecosystems of the Arctic Coastal Plain along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, 2010-2018 ver 7. Environmental Data Initiative. Accessed 2020-05-22.