Data Repositories Enriching the Global Research Infrastructure
April 20, 2022
Ted Habermann
Domain repositories have long provided a suite of services to the communities built around them including metadata management and data discovery tools, data access and preservation, and identification of resources created by and of interest to the community. As a result, domain repositories are central to important and thriving research communities. Recently a global research infrastructure for identifying and tracking many kinds of research objects has emerged. This includes Crossref, originally for journal articles and books, DataCite, originally for datasets but expanding to other research objects, as well as ORCID for identification of people and ROR for organizations. Crossref and DataCite initially focused on the creation of research object identifiers (DOIs). As researchers start to use these identifiers, it is clear that the connections enabled by these identifiers add considerable value. In order to enable these connections the growing, global research infrastructure needs content beyond minimal identification and citation metadata. Domain repositories are uniquely situated, with the deep knowledge of their communities, to extend their services by providing connections and content to deliver additional metadata to enrich the global research infrastructure. This talk by Ted Habermann, of Metadata Game Changers, shares several recent examples that demonstrate the power of enriching the global research infrastructure.